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No plumbing?

No problem!

Our compost loos

are perfect for your 1's and 2's!.

Go on, give the world a hug!

Compost toilets are waterway & sea savers!


All our compost loos are little planet savers. They are all low-to-the-ground for everyone to access, low maintenance, with no contraptions, no vents, no fans, no fuss, no gimmicks, just gorgeous, reliable, simple loos, made with love and care.


They all arrive ready to use with free delivery in the UK.


If a road goes to you then so can we.

We specialise in simplicity and offer free personalised designs.

 Our compost loos save around 50,000 litres of water per person per year and give back to the environment in the way nature was designed.

Wee Hooses has sorted the problem of human waste to waste-not.



Our Wee Hoose compost toilet separator loo bowls take the wiff out of waste by diverting the contents thoughtfully to individual containers, making your compost loo a more hygienic and pleasant place to be, and saves on emptying containers regularly. 

Our composting toilet separators save up to 80% compost material so you are emptying your containers less allowing you more time for fun stuff.


Our simple separators are made to last.

No need to flush, no wasted water, no toxic waterways. 100% recycling!


Just spritz me and wipe me to keep me clean.


These compost toilet separators are the perfect solution to the poohlution!


Simple solutions for all your compost toilet needs, just the way you want them.

Why not add a sink to your composting loo, a gravity water feed, a sawdust bin, or a rear hatch for easy access to  your compost loo containers?

You'll need sawdust and a compost bin for sure.

Go on, treat yourself and make life easier; It's your very own personal compost loo after all!

Sink for compost toilet


  • Who are we?
    Wee Hooses is an environmentally minded company which is the creation of Scott Craig. Wee Hooses Compost Toilets are all handmade in the UK and supplied to customers near and far. We cater for anyone and everyone. Our products are favourites with houses and homes, schools and nurseries, allotments, churches, residential gardens, plant nurseries, campsites, wedding venues, forestry, forest schools, private estates, public gardens, nature reserves, fishing spots, eco homes, boats, campervans, caravans, farms and equestrian sites, pony clubs, off-gridders and more.
  • Where did the super name of your company come from? We love it.
    We love it too, thank you. It comes from two Scot's words: wee meaning small, and wee meaning wee, as in urine. Hooses is another Scot's word for houses, and both words are, we think, very cute. It encapsulates nicely what our first product was, a place to go do your business (yer wees and poos), and freshen up, without making it anyone else's business, literally.
  • ​Where did you get your ideas from for your great products?
    Essentially from need. Necessity is the mother of invention, they say. We wanted to have something more healthy and self-sustaining than our old flush loo which flushed into the sewer, destroyed the planet's water-ways, polluted the seas, and destroyed public health and our eco-systems. We wanted a water saving toilet as well which was clean, functional, friendly to the environment, easy to use, and low cost. There was stuff on the market, but it wasn't very appealing, often below par, expensive, looked unsubstantial, and/or was quite labour intensive to maintain with their fans and, pipes, handles, and electrical gizmos. The main problems with conventional toilets are that they are reliant on so many factors which we take for granted: ​ Gallons of good water goes to waste with every flush which could be used for other things. The need for chemicals, pipes, infrastructure, sewage works, people, and practices which are hazardous to health, etc. We wanted to avoid being reliant on these things. We wanted to be more self-sufficient and green. We wanted a solution, so I began to research what we could do to achieve this. ​ ​A vast amount of people in the world have none of the things which we take for granted, the main thing being a supply of water to flush away. Water is such a precious thing that many of us rarely realise we should take care of it. Every year the average person flushes up to 50,000 litres of good clean drinking water per year down the toilet whilst people are dying of thirst or waterborne diseases from contaminated water in the same world. Sheer madness!
  • How do people deal with their waste in places where they need all their water for survival?
    Many people have an area or a hole in the ground where they do all their business; an open-pit latrine. Not only does this method smell terrible, but more than anything it attracts flies and other bugs which spread deadly disease by contaminating food. A terrible cycle. ​ To overcome this issue, we thought we could get around this by somehow separating the sewage, and then keep it covered-up to avoid disease and infection, and not pollute the environment. When you think about it, keeping our excretions separate seems a quite a natural idea. We have a front and a back exit on our body for good reason perhaps? God's handiwork lead the way for the design. ​ After a bit of searching to see if there was anything out there, there were a few different ideas on the scene, and then we stumbled across a simple under the toilet seat separator design. We tried it. It was perfect! No fuss, just plain and simple. No gadgetry, no parts to maintain, no fuss, and best of all no smell.
  • Can I ask, what's your favourite product?
    This might surprise you, it is without a doubt our very own compost toilet. It is my favourite product because it saves so much water and gives back to the planet. A thing of beauty, and all handcrafted by myself. I never get tired of making them or using them as each one is making the world a better place, one performance at a time.
  • Any final words?
    I don't think compost toilets are the future any more, they were needed yesterday, and are needed more than ever today! The Wee Hoose Compost Toilet is a creative, mindful, and green solution to a worldwide problem. Inventions like our Wee Hoose Compost Toilet are the hug the world needs. I believe we all must try to live in accord with nature than against it, and the Wee Hoose provides a means to do this. Get a compost toilet today!


Look out for regular updates and ideas from our website blog, our Instagram and Pinterest pages!

If we haven't posted in a while it's usually because we are busy building loos, tending to the garden, inspecting the bee hives, fixing the tractor, or having a cup of tea and listening to the birds. I urge you to do more of the same.

Take time away from social media and reconnect with REALITY.

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